Henry (Part 3)


If only she would read these comments !!!


She probably does :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah, but it will take more than our comments to get her back. Henry isn’t going to change anytime soon (assuming she would come back with him) but I would like to see her in her own apartment.

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But if she has grown tired of the ‘swinging’ VHTV scene, [which is why she left Henry?], then she is not going to want to have her own apartment… :disappointed:


Judging by her actions during the “will she / won’t she” period , it doesn’t appear that “she has grown tired of swinging” she was still giving complete blowjobs in public and in front of Henry. IMO there is another reason that she left…my theory is that it was Henry’s behaviour that caused the split.




its so easy to blame the guy , but sorry to say in this case it was both of there faults , Mira wanted to slim back on all the numerous partners ,and henry didnt ,this caused Mira to be come emotionally involved with another man , someone we have all seen , the first split was to have a break from each other which henry agreed on , now there is an argument that mira orchastrated the split so she could have some alone time with the man she was smitten by , but that cant be proven so it was just hearsay , and the second split came about by henrys inability to stop with his womanising ways , they tried a reconcilation but it failed and Mira decided that she didnt want this way of life anymore and returned to the same guy as a courting couple , the hurting period is now over and they have decided to remain friends , now you dont have to believe any of this and i wont get offended if you call bulls__t . but let me just assure you i did have a conversation with henry and he told me as much and also said he is as much to blame as mira and he still loves her , but he likes this way of life as it suits his needs ,


The predicament of the swingers life. I am surprised that there is not more emotional involvements and conflicts within leading such a life than it already is in the first place. :hugs: :fire: Luckily I am not directly a part of it. :hugs:

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i think there as been many participants that have left vhtv due to becoming emotionally involved with someone else , its just that they left the project altogether so we was never privvy to the said happenings , probably all happened off screen ,its not something new , just part of the swinging lifestyle , there is a written rule in swinging and thats never become emotionally involved with another playmate! sadly its one rule that cant be enf___ed


It`s sadly virtually impossible to impend and uphold such a rule in the long run. Even though it is an almost sacred and unwritten rule. Sadly made to be broken. :hugs: :hugs:


I’ve been him many years, but must have not been paying enough attention, but who is the lucky other man please.

This picture could be from any day! :rofl: :innocent: :hugs:


Looks like he’s wondering where is wendy :s___py:


I don’t think is was the swinging lifestyle she left him, since she enjoy it also. I think is was his lousy attitude towards her, specially at the end. He took her for granted too many times.


Probably being a pisshead wasn’t helping either.


What a nonsense. A lot of people who have found each other here and get together in the apartments and swap places with others and there is a RULE.

The whole thing is an Epstein & Maxwell system.


well it looks like Wendy done her duty to get views now shes not been there for a long time her name should be taken off again . more money making cons by Henry to keep people watching

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Yes, I am not at all in any way denying that there is that rule. I am even saying that it is sacred and both written and unwritten. The rule itself. :hugs: :fire: