Henry in his regular… Posure…
I was the one that suggested the name for her
Undoubtedly a very nice name.
I believe the reason that Chyna got her name… she was a participant on a cam website as well. and had her name from there
Her name on the website was Realpurr so was nothing to do with Chyna.
Her last appearance was about 9 months ago.
Kade I think sent me a concrete reference to the realpurr website a few months ago, which I also checked out. But that was of no further obvious interest for me actually. So I just went out of it. Have not used it ever since then.
It can only get better…
Somebody wake me up when Wendy comes back…
Indeed. With Wendy, things are much more beautiful and exciting, no matter where she appears.
And that’s why she shouldn’t leave us alone for so long
In my opinion, Koen is a little too close to Henry, no? there’s plenty of room in the Sofa.