looks like life became very expensive and everyone moving in with roommates.
Annnd this is what happens when Henry can’t keep up
What was the point of writing your entire response comment in bold exactly?
Wendy has just paid her rent
So Henry all of the sudden is unable to keep up? What is seriously going on, mate?
It’s to read it.
What in particular is it, that bothers you about it?
Is there a rule about using bold writing, and if so, are you the guardian over it?
And btw, do we have a button to make the writing green or violett?
He just wants to expand his writing type horizon.
I would love to be introduced to Henry’s barber… then I can stand him against a wall and shoot him !!!
That haircut is ridiculous
I guess that was just a part.
Julia and the girls showed up and left the bill halfway done.
It was joke of barber Klaus
Nein besoffen doch NIE das ist doch normalzustand bei ihm.
Denk das ja auch der grund warum mira ihrer wege ging