Look at Henry. He only has one sock left and it doesn’t seem to bother him. Very sexy
Henry just is the way he is. One can choose to accept it or not. He will never change.
and what I say but @robwin understood it very well but another user still no…
Aletea certainly likes Henrys cock.
from what I can see (non-subscriber) she doesn’t seem that interested in henry)…
how many vhtv subscribers jerk off to seeing sex on vhtv (if people were getting laid everyday surely they wouldn’t need to be on vhtv or other adult sites…
Yes but if they were not here they probably wouldn’t be being paid for it
Getting sex AND being paid for it is surely a double bonus
Are you serious? She can’t wait to get his cock in her mouth
She wants it bad
Wonder if he can taste Henrys cock
you didn’t understand I mean the girls he slept with…
actually you will find out that it was mira who wanted away , they did try a reconcilation ,but the pull of another mans love/charm was to much for her to resist , dont go blaming henry for continue doing what he does , this is henrys lifestyle and he gets paid well for it , and why not dabble in the perks of the job , i sense a tinge of jealousy in you my friend tut tut
Henry needs a nice big fist shoved up his ass…Oh Wait!!
and what I said but it seems very difficult the Italian language to understand anyway I’ve been following henry and mira since the first day they set foot on vhtv…
If things playout as they have in the past it’s only a matter of time before (sadly) she goes off the rails again.
The glasses might confuse, but those tits are unmistakeable !
i know .i was just messing with you
maybe you also like some gallery work…