Regarding this loggia picture I will not tell what I really am thinking about, because that certainly ain`t only nice…
Wonder how long Henry can keep his cock out of her which will really please Jutta
Ah well bring on the tears and fireworks
We will see when the fuse will light the fireworks.
My granny used to crochet those things
Looks like something my grandm____r would have knitted once upon a time…
Real hippie style
He wasn’t born then, christ, that period would sure of suited him with the antics we used to get up to
Who is that then?
Good, Henry has moved that b___dy chair, cam 6 back in use now then
It was also before my time.
But I can well imagine that Henry would have fitted in well with this time.
I have no idea either, maybe new applicants
I have no idea who that is until I get to know…
Garda probably let out on good behaviour, wonder how long that will last
Pia there now, well she;s a non starter for a start