Henry (Part 2)

Glad i ain’t that b___dy happy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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well me old mucker . baring in mind we only know you by your comments and have not had any of you close friends to say otherwise , we will just have to take your word for that , you sad old fogey :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I only have one question - what does this woman have that Mira did not have. Mira had it all ! Henry you are an idiot !!!

a personality perhaps .who knows . who cares . its henrys choice .live with it :rofl: :rofl:

im not being facetious or am i who knows .who cares lol

Well the substitute wife didn’t perform any of Mira’s ass services in the bath :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

tenor (6)
please explain as the reason behind that link

Who cares that you chatter

I agree, but it seems this time was different. It takes a VERY strong couple in their relationship with strong commination’s to survive. From what I see Mira got absolutely blindsided this time. And the issue with this is that trust has been broken and in many cases it can’t be repaired.

I see a little belly in Wendy. Is she …?

had to happen at sometime ,only the clever or decietfull have a chance of survival

Shhssssssss a forbiden word :laughing:

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just a few to many sausage rolls

Perhaps another loss to VH in the near future, wow, they are dropping like flys :laughing:

What does VH have to do with it? But yes it only gets better.
And with the nose powder, the two will last for years.
She keeps breaking down crying, but mama will fix it.
Hope I don’t miss the lintel.

But Mira still sticks by him.
If I were you, the business would already be offline and the people on duty.

I was wondering if she was gaining weight or is she going to have a Koen/Henry mix lol

That is what I am wondering too, and that’s why I posted the pic.

I was also wondering if this could be the reason for her exit.