Henry (Part 2)

I see that sad old bugger Felix is still hanging on to the coat tails in the hope of a throw away shagg or left overs that no one else wants :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
He ain’t been having much luck lately must be in the desperation stakes by now :laughing:

Mira must love being embarrssed by her husband in their own apartment especially with his new girlfriend :laughing:
The intelligence of these people is rather surprising to say the least, or perhaps not :laughing:

To be honest I am waiting for Pia to get her fair share of on cam acrobatics. But somehow I feel it will not happen. Again. :hugs: :hugs:

Think you my have to wait a long time pal, don’t understand why she keeps turning up now as Henry has his dick trained elsewhere recently and she has a cam aversion fear anyway :laughing:
Not really a good mix for a porn channel :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No, exactly. Spot on. It is legit to make myself wonder why she is here in the first place then. Knowing that as a fact. :laughing:

Think it’s hillarious how Henrys hands seem to get everywhere :laughing:
I honestly think he has a problem but he hasn’t realised it yet :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The other guy is sat there like a dumbo thinking how the hell do i get some of that :laughing:

That guy must feel like a right dickhead just sat there with Henry fumbling around inside her knickers :laughing:

That guy must have got so pissed off with Henry pawing Pia all the time they have pissed off now. :laughing:
Pia should have known better that to let him having come with someone else but god knows what goes through their perverted minds. :laughing:
As i say the best comedy show on VH :laughing:

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Elisha and Shana are two examples of women who almost became robots when they met someone, no longer letting Henry have fun

Shana went at Jakar & lika Realm Yesterday, with a Guy, You can look the images from the visit. I don’t know the purpose of that, but they were looking the guest room maybe they were searching for a room


Just looked and not really sure that is Shana to be honest?

Всем приветик💋 Как дела?


We are fine,

thx for the clip, and it’s good to see you happy together with the others. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Your butt is still :fire: :fire:

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Never, ever Shana, but she looks familiar

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Glad to see your doing good and so happy beautiful as always :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m doing great :slightly_smiling_face:


It could be correct, absolutely. Some sort of doppelganger that looks familiar. :hugs:

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That’s not what I meant,

I think she is definitely not Shana, but I think I know her with that guy from elsewhere like Lillian realm or so.

Just can’t remember from where, already started to look up the wikis.