Henry (Part 2)

I first discovered Vhtv and saw Henry and Marica always fucking, even when Mikl was there, so I was confused on what she was to Henry

But itā€™s not true. Both have always had a good time with other people. They probably got tired of this game, or donā€™t feel anything for each other anymore

2nd or someone created new account :sweat_smile::joy:

The who is his first account game like in Facebook. You make up a new e mail address, you have 4 Facebook accounts

In what sense? What criticisms?

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At 2:50 inhenry came at 2:58 she hit him twice

But are you telling me that I have 4 Facebook accounts? I actually have only one account. But it is not that you have mistaken me for someone else?

if that refers to the comment to me no offense he was joking

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Welcome u too :sweat_smile:

to many ferkin ninjas in this forum

just tel himyou ar indra he will leave you alone

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one word ā€¦wait

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why should I if Iā€™m not. Heā€™ll leave me alone either way. Look, I donā€™t know what you are doing here. But Iā€™ll tell you what I do. Iā€™m here to discuss the apartments. All other useless arguments in this forum I leave to you. I donā€™t care about anything else. So if you want to discuss VH apartments, Iā€™ll be happy to share my views. If you are here for anything else, discuss among yourselves. Thank you.

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ok everett or his it patricia or someone else , no doubt you have been in this forum under many guises so dont try and come across as a newbie as we are a talented bunch on here and can smell a rat from a mile off, but your weolcome to your views and i may even agree .hows that for diplomacy

Iā€™m saying many people on the forum have used different accounts, thatā€™s all, no harm no foul

If Mira isnā€™t around during parties, Iā€™d say Henry will have issues with the uninterested young girls

he could always bring indra back and do some plugging she would love that

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I think Henry has given up on her ever returning, Iā€™d say she made the right decision, she chose love over being some guys sex toys

love whats that , they come to these realms to be just that ,

Thatā€™s why I very rarely post here. Itā€™s full of ā€˜jobsworthsā€™ and snowflakes.