Henry (Part 2)

shhh you might get taken offline :rofl::rofl:

true that mate

No worry, Kaya knows i am madly in love with her :heart: :heart: :heart:

What happens the next time Henry has some young girls over who reject him, and Mira isn’t here to calm things or at least try and coax the girls to open their mouths lol

hey get in line :rofl::rofl:

hey we go the obsession stalker himself kosta’s boyfriend the same man who has been banned for constanly spamming henry’s topic and yet he still does it

I only came here for Ardesia…

hopefully she returns

what happens is …EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS nothing more nothing less

hes henry’s biggest hater mate hes been banned for spamming this topic with henry hate

little miss youneverseemenaked ?

Well, one can always hope :laughing:

and even then there bondage is very tame. I was at a dungeon once, wont say where, watched a Fem Dom nail her slaves sack to the table and told him stay, Not my thing and seemed extream but 1. to each they’re own 2.couples have they’re own thing going. Dungeon Rules might apply here actually VHTV If you see some thing you think is wrong the 1st person you should go to is the Dungeon master, he knows what this couple does and will check on situation if your not comfortable with it and they are, move along

My Vote to her…

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i was thinking of some long drawn out words to describe what my true thought of him are , but this is the best i could come up with

Henrys being back reward enough

Must admit would love to see more of her, literally :laughing:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: perfect decription


well dont be surprised if she turns out to be a hermaphrodite , you have been warned :rofl:

I Will watching only. Henry from now on 24/7 !!