Henry (Part 2)

It does not look like Loki is present now though… :kissing_heart:

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Who is the girl with the glasses in the middle in picture number 2?

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I don’t know any of the two, neither their get along.

new meat :joy: :joy:

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Thank you. Neither do I, so I was hoping you could help me. :joy: :heart_eyes:

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Maybe they have to work for their names still, if stupid looking striped shirt permitts.?!

Shana seems to explain the system :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


I strangely enough know who the guy with the cap and blue hair is, That is Edward, who I gave the name to. :heart_eyes: :hugs:

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Well, as Jabs always is saying, they have to do something to get a name. :sweat_smile: :heart_eyes:

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I wouldn’t have known, stupid cap with blue hair attached.

Looks like Henry has made his choice.

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Jabs specifically asked me to give him a name, and I gave him the name Edward. :hugs: :heart_eyes:

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I remember that, but I wouldn’t have associated him to that day.

For Henry it’s

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Within the same time frame that I gave him the name, he kind of ironically had sex with a girl named Jenka. :kissing_heart: :sweat_smile:

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I don’t see the irony, but remember that Jenka had been fucked by Apollo at Alida’s a while back.

Now, what will Edward’s role be tonight, when there is no Jenka and Mira is gone too, hopefully not at Loki, whilst Shana is “parked” at Henry’s. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Yeah, absolutely. No problem. That is just the way it is. :hugs:

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Those moments that you are hinting to with Jenka there, is also saved in the archives. :hugs:

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thinking of it, makes me wonder if the blonde with glasses is Jenka???

a bit saggy titts in the dress top would fit. :thinking: :thinking:


Yes, I am quite certain that is Jenka. Without knowing it exactly. :heart_eyes:

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Let’s wait for the tattoo. :joy: :joy: :joy:

I also do believe that scene the picture is reffering to, is also a scene saved in the archives. :joy: :joy:

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Mira is diseppeared?

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