This must be a fashion show party as no ones taken their fucking clothes off yet
That does not fit very well with the business model of a basic porn channel.
Wash your mouth out pal, you do realise you are in the Henry apartment
Well there is lots of sucking going on…But it’s just the ‘party’…
Where is the hand soap, eh?
Trisha is “up and running”. Have had enough today too!
My wiener is that big!
Well that was a very interesting and exciting evening
Had more fun at a prostate exam
That`s All Folks!
Remind me to not to come here that often please
we have been reminding everyday for the last 18 months , but
Nonsense…There might be a foot massage any second!
Seems some tossers never learn, here’s one signing out now
Well, I am not always that interested in learning in the first place to be honest.
you have to come back . it only works as a double act . i need you
I would say Rob to the left. Virgil to the right.
I love my hairstyle
So you agree? Very good.