Henry (Part 2)

you call that BDSM , more like roleplay , hes completely clueless when it comes to bdsm . :thinking: :thinking:

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Yeah light play and roleplay.

What’s with the latest hairstyle of Henry’s then? makes himself look a complete prat :rofl:

Je préfère les voir comme ça, plutôt que l’autre soir.

I think he looks better there compared to similar posures I have seen earlier. If I think he looks like a complete prat? Always. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I don’t know what “prat” means in your area but if it has anything to do with ass, I agree.

New renters??, or buyers ??


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Landlord zur Visite

Back online in a double way :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What are they playing? World of warcraft? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy:


Mostly “Civilization”.

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That is what you are playing also, right? :heart_eyes:


Landlord’s wife is pretty decent for an older woman… Maybe she’ll join the fun !!!

Sometimes yes. It is very relaxing.

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We had same idea for a credit-card representative at Wendy a while back, but didn’t come true. :joy: :joy: :joy:

(and of course some people wanted Wendy’s mom to join)

Then I remembered correctly. We were briefly talking about it a little while back in time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Scenes of a marriage [Scener ur ett äktenskap]

Yes exactly. It is a nice game.

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Scener fra et ekteskap. In norwegian. PĂĽ norsk. :heart_eyes: Not very unlike the swedish language. Actually. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That’s what I was hoping. IT’s a movie originally.