Henry (Part 2)

No Pizza no Paul :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@Shana Hey lovely, I badly miss the glorious “flashing-moments” with you and Chyna. :heart_eyes: :heart:


But it used to be the other way round. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This one two years to the day :joy: :joy: :joy:


Good to see Paul and Debbie even it was for a few minutes

That just goes to tell how few and far between it really is with the threesomes and foursomes nowadays. And that they are greatly missed. :fire: :heart_on_fire: :hugs:

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I see that my prediction turned out to be correct! :rofl: :hugs:

Mira est déçu, pas de baise avec Loki.

I see some of the old crowd making their usual cameo appearances with Shana as usual showing off her meagre tits :laughing:
And then suddeny they all went home, how b___dy predictable :rofl:

I bet Henry would have taken a chance with Shana.

But all couldashouldawoulda :joy: :joy:

Mira et Henry, fini les séances de cul privé. Il va falloir penser à la reconversion. Ouvrir un club libertin ou une maison de rendez vous sexe…

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The good old Henry as we know him from before would have taken his turns with Shana. The current Henry as we know him? He just stays quietly in the boat. :joy: :joy:

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I thought that’s building up at Julia :thinking: :thinking: :joy:

VHTV , c’est plus comme avant … les vieux combattants sont fatigués et les nouveaux trop virtuels

Yes, but it’s still purple.

Where is Loki?

Think he must have lost his compass :laughing:

Lack of masterbation can do that, I believe! :rofl:

He needs to relocate his former compass. The current compass is obviously badly adjusted. :heart_on_fire: :fire: :joy:

Maybe I will give you right in that one actually. :hugs: :heart_eyes:

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What a difference 2 years make…