Henry (Part 2)

Maybe this realm needs a 30 day ban from a_____l!

Itā€™s not unusual for couples who _____ heavily to strike each other while highly i________ed, so yes, a month without a_____l might be the only way he saves himself and his marriage

if you donā€™t like one apartment there are many others to look atā€¦

always henrys fault, I think this relationship is over and hes not gonna quit _____ing if he did no one would watch because he wouldnt be the life of the party if he didnt party do what yal want but im not here to change people

The one who beats a woman is always a scumbag, he cannot be forgiven, no matter who does it.

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They are doing a pretty good job all by themselves without anybodyā€™s help :laughing:

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You see you know it too, and so letā€™s leave them aloneā€¦

To me itā€™s a sign of weakness, never strength, when a man hits a woman. Only wimps are thugs. And by that I donā€™t mean physical weakness, but mental and moral weakness. They are fools who lack the mental faculties for a verbal argument. And because they are too stupid to discuss, they hit it.


Now after that VHTV must KICK HIM OUT . , HITTING HER AGAIN . should be banned for life . goesnt matter who he is , they have banned people for less ,

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About last night
In my humble opinion, Henry is not the brightest tool in the toolbox, so his only focus is himself, as weā€™ve seen him be that way around other women always what he wants and not being considerate of other ā€“ like what happened last night.
As my opinion continues ā€“ Henry should have done the logical thing.

  1. if your girlfriend just broke up with you, donā€™t invite somebody over the very next night in case she comes over wants to talk or get things.

  2. Or just be alone for a while and work things out in your brain on why it failed.

3)But if you decide to be stupid and bring some female over and your wife comes over, Stop what youā€™re doing with the new girl & send the new girl on her merry way. So, you & your wife can spend some quality time together.

4)That is what Mira wanted from Henry, for him to choose her. But if you keep the girl around, itā€™s like leaving a lighted fuse around - eventually itā€™s going to blow up in your face.

-Also, I have been slapped by women before and most times I deserve itā€¦ But I have never ever have slapped back. I know I am a stronger person and can do some harm to her.

-By keeping the girl there after He and Mira has sex - Henry rubbed Mira face in it, humiliated her and put new girl in danger.

We all know how Henry is not bright and itā€™s usually because of his a_____l a___e. He did none of the logical things. He just did what he wanted to do and now heā€™s paying the price. If he comes back, then expect the same behaviorā€¦ā€¦


Amen !! :innocent: :innocent:

They are married

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thewhat ever the reason he should not hit women this just goes he is bigger than VHTV if they dont ban him , Money talks im afraid


Henry continues to have sex even when his wife enters the bathroom, he treats it like a ghost, an apparition. Many times the subconscious works alone not listening to the mind, That mind led him to the bedroom with Mira. Many times we do what our soul wants subconsciously. If someone wants to become suicide but his afraid of doing it, the subconscious, soul, does it gradually, by not taking care of ourselves _____ing eating too much, as a result loosing health and eventually getting sick or die. This does not only happen to poor people with limited education but also to educated people with degrees and achievements. perhaps we cannot avoid what has written in our destiny. By the way, Mira,Moira, in Greek means fate,destiny.
The same will happen when we want something very much but the soul doesnā€™t like it and will reject it we will make mistakes and eventually we wonā€™t get what our mind wants because it will turn out bad if we do it, here it works as a protection to avoid something bad . it works both ways for bad or good for us

Bei dem seinem Alkoholkonsum hat er garantiert schon Leberzirrhose!

Just a thought:- May be Henry removed the realm from the site so that Mira could not check up on his behaviour.

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The repair has ALWAYS been fast chez M&H :wink:


No matter how hard you try to hide something, it will eventually be seen As Mira found the messages on his cell phone when she woke up. Henry had left it on the bed, and he was talking in the living room with the New Woman. Here I will say that people make mistakes subconsciously because mistakes tell the truth that cannot be told in words

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And things made quickly will definitely have flaws and wonā€™t work most of the time correctly

With or without drama this is the realm that attracts us and not other useless ones like Clara Stas.
No guests, parties, or other matters of interest
Come back Henri with all your faults and mischiefā€¦