dont do that Mira wont be happy as we all know andre is really henry
Who was realm 39
Participants of Realm39
Thanks mate the numbers confused me
guess i wasnt supposed to mention there names , probably a good reason so not going to quibble about it ,
Hi there,
What happen to Realm39? I was off for some weeks and I notice that her appartment doesn’t exist anymore. And I can’t found it in the archive. Everything was ereased?
Definitely seems like it. Sadly. :s___py: :s___py:
I would love to be henry just for the fact that he can s___p all day and earn money…it has always been my dream and instead I have to get up in the morning and go to work to earn some money…
Realm got deactivated due to security reasons. Thanks for understanding
I think it was Realm39 originally. Deactivated for security reasons apparently.
Apparently the original name of the apartment got removed because the flat does not exist anymore.
Mellon is the guinea-pig for the new nail-studio.
I bet he was thinking about something different when talking about getting nailed.
Lets hope he does get a second go…the first was pure lust!!
Whew! For a second there, I thought Mire was giving him a tattoo.
Maybe she’s putting these little designs to his single fingernails.
Who wins first prize?
Depends on your leanings i suppose
I don’t get it, sorry.