Henry (Part 2)

After review, it will be a penalty to Rangers.

Rangers are talking football now :rofl::rofl:

Errore, Condivido la tua richiesta a VHTV

Violence is serious but Henri can’t miss the opportunity to get rid of Mira…I wonder Russian to know what she said to make Henri react in that rude way?


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Position is under review on VAR :rofl:

shouldnt matter , its not like he punched ,headbutted or kicked her , he gave her a slap because she was picking on the other girl who didnt show any signs of retaliating, so henry didnt do a thing wrong as we all know mira can give it large aswell so a slap was needed to defuse the situation .END OFF


It looks and is clear that Henry knew this woman and they were texting each other
Mira found the messages and realized she wasn’t some random woman someone brought to make Henry feel better…
No Just sex but secret relationship…
Maybe Henry thought that he can’t sit in the Realm all the time since Mira was dealing with the syndrome problem.
However he didn’t want to divorce for financial reasons so he decided to live a double life, but 90% of the time a double life leads nowhere… it would be better if he left without fuss. If the relationship existed I see it as difficult to come back again because they will have the same problems. Mira reacted so upset because she find the messages
it is natural act… Henry instead of admitting it … behaved foolishly and thus came the end


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I thank you for your response but i feel you are still trying to excuse this behaviour as being normal life behaviour, within reason, despite this being the second occurrence within 24hrs or so.
Upon reviewing this evening footage yes, it could be argued that initially Mira was the agressor towards the women but in no way does this justify Henry’s response.
They are both as bad and hot headed as each other and there can be no excuse for this kind of behaviour on this channel however real life it is.
Others have been thrown off the project for this kind of behaviour before or even less as there can be no excuse for it on a global site.
This relationship problem has probably got a long way to play out yet and continuing having them online may even be making things worse as it is giving them a platform to each air their grievances against each other.which is not nice to see i have to admit.
Just where is your red line on behavioural problems whether it be violence, d__g taking or unwelcome sexual advances which are all real life but are subjects best not aired live for obvious reasons.

Well summarised Eros. I never really understood why the apartment was so popular with VH subscribers. They were around for a long time.

mira had already moved out and came to pick up stuff she resorted to violence she should have left rather than have sex after henry had it in other girl

of course it’s just your thought…they always lived this way–each of them could make love to whomever they wanted and whenever they wanted…


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I don’t agree with you with what Mira did other than verbal in this situation. If you want to see what I said about it look above in one of my previous comments. But I’ll say this, regardless Henry could have handled it differently but he chose to strike her and that’s where he went wrong. Physical valence should NEVER be condoned or defended. And in my opinion sadly it looks like that’s what you’re doing.

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not everybodies sorry to inform you

if henry had any respect for mira, the other woman would have left.
This morning, however, she was so _____ that she fell as___p on the couch.

I appreciate your view and in fact do agree with you but as i have said before, whilst the swinging life style is all well and good but however good intentioned, the old human trait of jealousy will always raise it’s head sooner or later and i think this is what is happening here.
And yes, they are both as bad as each other.