Henry (Part 2)

Mira has stopped using e-cigarettes since returning

Henry has returned unfortunately

Well it could be worse…It could be cocaine and coffee :0)

Henry has returned? Oh crap…
hang on…do you mean the person, or the vacuum-cleaner?
Please tell me it is the vacuum-cleaner…I hear it sucks REALLY well :0)

To be honest I don’t think it matters, both, as it turns out, are bad for you.

The robot vacuum cleaner runs like a smoothly hell at full f___e anyway. I have observed it myself a few times actually. :hugs:

c’est un aspirateur a 3 vitesses. + la marche arriére.

So that is the reason for the quickly running, huh? Thank you for sharing that information. I actually did not know that from before. Nice to know. :hugs:

Much like Henry then :laughing:

To be perfectly honest it does seem like Henry has been fine tuned mostly in reverse lately. In my opinion. :hugs: :joy:

Most of the time i think his fuse has blown lately. :laughing:
Looking at him chatting with Mira just now he looked very serious.? :roll_eyes:

Maybe they are having some kind of current problems? I don`t know for sure. :roll_eyes:

Yeah maybe but who knows with these two?

You never know absolutely for sure. That is one thing for certain. :hugs:

ça date pas d’aujourdhui leur problèmes .disons que c’est pas encore tout rose.

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