Henry (Part 2)

Yet she was an actual part of the project for a brief little while. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Do you know why Gerda left the project?

No. I do not know. I guess she just wanted to move on.

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It is possible now that you think I am only nosey. Why wasn`t it planned that Viva should join the project in the first place? :slight_smile:

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@Kaya might be able to tell us if it was Gerda’s will, Henry’s or the project’s…

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Because she was only guest. From a different city on some kind of vacations as far as I know.

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So she was only meant to be a guest in the first place then. Thank you for the clarification and the answer. :hugs:


I know for sure it wasn’t coming from our side. Gerda’s or Henry’s decision I support it. Some rest won’t hurt, she looked exhausted last weeks. And she is always welcome to be back or just visit when/if ready :heartpulse:


She did not seem to be quite comfortable with the situation the last few weeks as far as I could see. So she made the right call for herself the way I see it. :hugs:


Yes not possible for her to participate.


I was under the impression, that Viva was a support/fill in for someone else temporarily.

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Yes she did the house sitting for some days when Mira & Henry were on vacation.

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Probably pissed off with the terrible way she has been treated as a fill in sex object. :unamused:


At least “Robo Cop” is back. Earlier they both went to Trishas. I think they gave her a reprimand,
but it did not seem to do any good! :worried:

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Henry is currently undergoing a_____l rehab

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Henry fickt sie alle

Looks rather quietly. The lack of guests is also noticeable :kissing_heart:

Its getting worse than the “good old days”. Two grown ups just playing video games! :worried:

There are almost no similarities left with the good old days. That makes it even worse. The hard evidence is two grown ups playing video games. :innocent: