Henry (Part 2)

Well i suppose we always have the comeback girl at the end of the day, and it ain’t Wendy :laughing:

Well. There are two girls present right now as far as I can see. Wendy and Mira. I suppose Giana will not come back again at least tonight. Then the only one left to hope for is Mira assuming your theory with Wendy will be correct. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So far I didn’t see Kano here to block the bedroom,

so Koen and Wendy can do as done before, go to the bedroom and fuck their brains out.

Read quick, it might get flagged or removed, because to aggressive. :laughing: :laughing:

There is always the slightest hope that Wendy and Koen will end up screwing their brains out. A guy must be allowed to dream at the end of the day. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No wonder no ones posted for 4hrs, was a thoroughly boring uneventful evening as predicted :roll_eyes:
They are thinking of opening a monastery retreat here next week :joy:

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There is nothing to post about, my dear. Therefore nobody is posting anything. :joy:

Your prediction was absolutely correct. It did become an even more boring and uneventful night than usual. :innocent:

Perhaps she has gone for therapy? :expressionless:

I hope for Gods sake you are not right in that assumption. Then things really will become even more boring than it already is now. :expressionless:

…even Palmer left before 06:00 AM

Think he has just about ran out of women he can call on now. Not a very bright outlook really :frowning:

It looks like a really empty outlook instantly. That is just a fact. :thinking:

someone loves bright colors … :innocent:

Is Mira giving Trisha a visit?


Mira’s back.

I fancy she is beginning to look a bit scruffy :roll_eyes:

This is to be seen at night in the event of a power outage or a new safety outfit :laughing:

This is to make the transition with Gerda and not cause Henry to suffer a shock.

Looks like the dog-situation @ Trisha is checked.

At least at first eyesight it looks to be a promising night. The question is what does it end up with ultimately? :hugs: :hugs:

I didn’t see Henry laughing naturally like tonight since a while. Thank you Mira