Henry (Part 2)

Henry & Gerda , Alida, Nikki,Vegas Realms In the Same Rhythm

Yep very true or all seem to be going backwards or even extinct. :roll_eyes:

Gerda left ?

If you search for “voyeur house” on Google, the presentation of the result is not always the same on all machines (PC or smartphone)
I get “Henry and Mira” or “Henry and Gerda”. I clear the cache regularly

Seems like the grass wasnt greener on the other side then , as we all knew . Leaving 1 lonely abandoned lethc again . wonder who he will try to move in this time ? Marica ? shes left her realm ???

Henry and Mira did introduce Marica into their VHTV circle of friends.


Now the apartment list name has changed to only Henry at realm 18 too. That also goes for the forum name. Not Henry Gerda anymore now. For some reason.

it wont change unless anyone moves in with him

Yes. I get that. I just don`t know who the next one to move in will be. I will see eventually I suppose. :hugs:

Marica and Henry have hed very good times before and after he shared her out ro the gang

The farce goes pn , Mira has arrived and half naked already . you couldnt make it up could you ?

Yes they did and fun times were had by all concerned as well

Probably now a crash course of preventing further deterioration to the situation, whatever that will entail to get back to earning money.
Wonder what will happen, oh look, Mira’s back in town :laughing:
Now isn’t that a surprise :joy: :joy: :joy:

Feel sorry for me Mira, i am so sorry :joy:


with all his kingdom falling apart he has to do something fast

Scheint wohl so als will sich mira die nächste klatsche abholen :rofl::+1:

Maybe Mira was having family issues… ie - sick parent or brother/sister. The other women with Henry were recruited as placeholders to keep the ap’t lively until she got back.

Just tossing this out there…

Henry is pragmatic as manager. Cash flow must cover the expenses and Mira has better results than Gerda to get cash

What’s called using people for his own ends. :roll_eyes:
Will never be the same as people now know what a slime ball he really is. just a user no matter who he hurts in the process.

you obviously didnt see the fights then ? and the other fall outs