Henry (Part 2)

Yes. Mira has returned to the kingdom. I told you it would happen, folks. :hugs: :slight_smile:

As you say a very polite gesture to enter, oohhh the intrigue and tentative steps :laughing:

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Yeah but for how long is the question :thinking:

Oh, very surprising huh? :revolving_hearts: Probably not for very long. I suppose. :smiling_face_with_tear:

50 % that they will fuck before Mira leaves:

It looks like Henry has sent Gerda off to the desert for the night.
She is not in the “retreat area”.

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Pretty good odds it will happen that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Well needs his ass fix from the expert :laughing:

Where did Gerda go, she has a day off…

Well, at least for this time he does not have to make it an imaginary fantasy (with Gerda) :hugs:

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On temporary house keeper leave, relieved of duties :laughing:


They seem to be holding hands,wow, not a reconciliation surely :roll_eyes: :laughing:
Dear old Gerda may be out on her neck again, now let me think, possibly in Alida’s old apartment :laughing:

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come on lads henry needs the views cast flow is low :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

They do have a long history together. :hugs: Mira and Henry. :hugs:

Always good to see mira, however, i would like to see her in her own realm. She’s a great performer because she’s so sexy, and because i can’t stomach henry anymore

nope, that’s what I meant with “retreat area”.

Neither Trisha and Pablo. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Henry was even playing Mira-clips on TV. :joy: :joy:

There you can see. Henry is still hooked up on Mira. He wants her butt. :hugs:

Isn’t Henry usually holding ass rather than hands? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Even when he’s crying into Chyna’s lap, because he is so “hurt”. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Very soon due to the crisis in all Realms Henry & Mira will do Chaturbate cam chat & Gerda will hold the cam for them

and he wants her to have his butt, and he wants her pussy, because he wants every pussy. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: