Henry (Part 2)


Well well well stil AWOL :roll_eyes: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Wer soll das sein?

Archives videos from Henrys place.

A quick question, are we in danger of these being the last additions to the archives??? :roll_eyes:

Nah. The place is already back online.

So nothing to worry about for now, then, I assume :hugs:

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Do not think so.

Oh yeah it is now, oh well roll on the next shambles. :joy:

there ya go remember me talking of the hate you thought I meant you? Nope heres my example, more of my comments with you and oppinions I had have been removed as derogatory. I didnt have but one dislike so either Im not allowed to comment good towards Henry or VHTV admins want the turmoil to continue, this isnt directed towards you it just is to show its ok to bash henry but you get blocked for backing him. So I am going back into watching and not commenting as it does no good

well we will not hear from you again then :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Gerda is back That’s good news…

I’m so glad to see Gerda is ok, but as it’s my birthday, I had a dream that when the camera come back on Mira would be there :joy: Oh well, you can’t have everything I guess. Back to watching archive movies :heart_eyes:

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Have a happy Birthday Manley :champagne:

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In MO everyone is entitled to their opinions here, just no sense in using derogatory word choices or arguing!

As we have said before, as in monopoly, move back to square one ! :smile:

I would say Gerda is ok… for now

How is this link "free" ?