Noo, this time is for REAL
When is the wedding party?
Does this mean that Mira is history or will her services still be required in event of a breakdown
So is wife No2. now officially wife No1.
Only as long as it lasts
As soon as any halfway fuckable living item comes along, Gerda will be fuck #2
Ich gehe davon aus das Grayce gesperrt wurde da bei Trisha zu viele meldepussies unterwegs sind genau wie camren von ihm liest man auch nichts mehr dabei haben sie nur ihre Meinungen gesagt und niemanden angegriffen. Camren hat ja die leute enttarnt die andere grundlos melden könnt ihr euch unter Trisha ansehen
So Gerda is rapidly rising in the ranks, I see. Good for her. Good for her.
I suppose, that you are talking about Grayce86908
different numbers
The next question will be: When will the wedding bells ring?
The best thing about Tanya for me personally was that she actually liked some of the jokes I pulled and stuff. Went fine until I started to talk about Trisha in any other way than exactly she wanted me to do. Or if I mentioned anything else but Trisha at all. Then I went from being her number one friend to state enemy number one.
simple she in love , she just a dish washer and shag buddie to him
well if you watch ciderella backwards its about a girl who learns her place in life
Of course not!!! Totally a “real couple” just separated hierarchically
How big was the emphasizing this time??
Well looks like Henry now has a fulltime maid, cook and cheap bottle washer with benefits
Yes it sure does and he seems happy I think last weeks shag fest with Mira could well have been the last sadly. I think she has moved on with a new life and probably all her friends that visited them at the old apartment.