Henry (Part 2)

Yes, Mira will come over at regular visits, I do believe. In one way or another. It is a part of the soap opera setup plan. I am convinced about it. :hugs: :fire:

Gerda was forgotten, when there is no other woman then she will be remembered again …

Sometimes she is there quickly, as if she lives in the same house. Just one floor higher or lower

Yes, that is an absolute correct observation. Basically Gerda wants to be the only option available. She wants to be the only one. :hugs:

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Things could be better for Gerda with another partner

Yes, I agree with that. The question is if she is looking for another partner in the first place as the situation is for now. :hugs:

As long as Henry is in her life unfortunately or fortunately he is her d__g and she is addicted to him

For now that is absolutely right. Well said. :hugs:

OK. We do not know that. Only when I see Zapelphillip Trisha at Henry’s. He can’t get them in front of him so easily. At least I haven’t seen it yet.

That is also correct. We don`t know for sure for now. We just have to see how the situation develops. :hugs:

Hell of a way to make a living.


If that is true why the hell does she want to be in the Henry circus or even VH?
Makes you wonder eh?
2+2 seems to equal 5 around here :rofl:

Of course, No1. backup plan or even the only backup plan :rofl:

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Henry hat um 03:44 Uhr mit Rucksack und großer Flasche?? die Wohnung verlassen. Also nix mit “aufgewärmter” Erotik

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The big round thing was a loud-speaker i.e. radio.

Da können Sie sehen, welche erste Assoziation ich bei Henry habe :rofl:


I wonder how long for Mira to show up, or did they change shifts?? :joy: :joy:

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