These two are just playing us like a fiddle to get the views, sorry but no woman would act like this if she had any self respect and Henryâs only using her for a cock workout as he ainât getting it anywhere else.
Ich bin gegen jegliche Art von Gewalt und schon garnicht gegen Frauen. Aber ich nehme mir das Recht der freien MeinungsäuĂerung und sage wie schon Joschka Fischer im Bundestag: Mit Verlaub, Sie sind ein Arschloch
Bekomme gerade folgende System-Meldung
Ihr Beitrag wurde als Spam gekennzeichnet : Die Community ist der Meinung, dass es sich um Werbung handelt, also um etwas, das ĂźbermäĂig werblichen Charakter hat, anstatt wie erwartet nĂźtzlich oder relevant fĂźr das Thema zu sein.
Allerdings bin ich der Meinung, dass meine Aussage schon relevant fĂźr das Thema ist und bleibe auch dabei
she just as bad as him , all about money and views time to call it a day and maybe stick to being the manager of all his apartments as long he can stay away from them
Yep you are right, they are are both as bad as each other and am sure we are being played for mugs just to keep the interest up and the money rolling in as content here is getting rather thin lately.
Couple is back together again they spent the whole night together very optimistic about their relationship
We will just have to wait and see until the next instalment of the Mira and Henry saga which is being played out in front of our eyes. ?
Life has surprises for all people especially for the participants at these Realms who try in every way to win the viewers
Looking at who has the most comments in here by far you are their best worker
We need creative souls coming up with creative comments and expressions. It spices up the existence.
Oooohhh, bitchy eh
Am sure many others make more comments but whoâs counting???
The system actually counts for me per comment. So it is registered. I see I am one of the most frequent posters. I don`t know what to say about that really.
I know it! Congratulations. A little fun