Henry (Part 2)

exactly mad up as married couple do just a simple spat we all have

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In 3, 2, 1

nope complete oppsite id just rather let people live there lives rather than forum viewers making up fake stories in which many have been debunked but enjoy your day sweatheart :point_up::point_up:

Well lets be honest he is just a fucking sex maniac and he is addicted to it like anyone is doing d__gs and he doesn’t give a s__t as to who he hurts in the process, especially the women.
After all there are always fresh supplies somewhere for him to feed on.
Within reason it is b___dy sad watching it as they are all only treated like lumps of meat to be used.

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end of the day only people who matter here are henry and mira as long as they are both happy in there life and marriage let them be happy leave the underesved negativity away there is far to much off that s__t in this world

After Bath 4 sure… or in the Bath…

Nice Water Bate


I suppose that is very true, some say they feel sorry for Mira but in all reality they are both as bad and depraved as each other, in fact they deserve each other really.

exactly mate they seem to be made for eachother

And if she’s smart, that poor girl from last night stays far away from this s__t show, I’m not even sure how much Palmer and Henry told her

she will of learned enough by now to make her choice at the end of the day its her choice not forum viewers

after a short little fight the happy couple are back and you love to see it


its all part of the show . you keep watching they make money that simple we all moan but still watch them who to blame ?

that is the truest thing you have ever said

Come on don’t give me that poor girl stuff, she is as sex mad and depraved as most of the other girls he gets there. They are all on the sex roundabout and probably know nothing else.

never a truer statement has been made

thanks bully boy :laughing:

my pleasure :point_up::point_up:

And the Realm viewers went sky high …!!
Win Win Case !!
Thanks God is Friday !! Another party tonight !!

top viewed cam more money more viewers and back together seems like it all worked you dont last 6 years on here without knowing what your doing mate simple as that