Henry (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Henry (Part 2):


The only fuck he’s had for a while so Mira has her uses then :joy:

Jetzt hat er es ihr ja wieder gut besorgt dann kann er ihr ja wieder eins in die dumme fresse hauen :wink::+1: sorry für die Wortwahl aber so dumm wie Mira ist hat sie es nicht anders verdient :person_shrugging:

Is Mira working part time now?? :rofl: :rofl:

If that is the case, then she has been working part time for a long time now, I have to say. :hugs: :slight_smile:

I don’t know if I’ve written it here before. But they have their own script and we keep watching stupidly

het rijk van Henry niet te vinden in de lijst
is dat ook zo bij jullie ?

wat is hier aan de hand ?

Yes, I fully agree with you about that too of course. You are absolutely right. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Who is on duty tonight ?
Pia ?

Yes it is. At Henrys kingdom. The chance of something happening is pretty much 100 percent surely nothing. Pia is a woman with an aversion against on cam performing. I am sorry for it. But still I can be surprised. :slight_smile: :hugs:

You should turn off your automatic translator for the stream page. That’s what causes this phenomenon.

Who is the last guest ?

Tonight’s program starts at 10 pm
10-12 : black haired girls because I don’t know the name
12-2 : blonde girl
2-4 red-haired girl
During the program, it includes vodka, tequila ■■■■, white & red ■■■■
End the program, get _____ and then go to bed to s___p :grinning: :grinning:

The last guest girl as you put it I am not quite sure who she really is. I am sorry. :hugs: :slight_smile:

It seems Sassy, don’t expect anything interesting, it’s pretty useless.

I don`t expect much either. Thank you for that. She has changed her hair style, which is quite usual for women. So that is probably why I am struggling to recognize her. :hugs: :slight_smile:

I think Henry and Mira are laughing at us with this game that we know nothing about :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

You are most probably absolutely right about that. Yes. You are probably also going to be right in that tonights programme setup suggestion. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Woah, too many girls
Do you think that the helicopter will go out ?