Henry (Part 2)

more like, wonder have much he paid for her :joy: :joy:

Trying to work out who is psychoanalysing who to be honest :crazy_face:

That is also a pity in my opinion. :slight_smile:

That is not an easy psych task I would say. :hugs: :fire:

Probably not a lot since he has to work for not a lot. :hugs:

hes starting to look a bit deflated . he cant get what he wants . good for her

nevertheless, trisha doesn’t seem to have surrendered. we couldn’t see it.

Yeah, you are right there. Henry did not get what he was after. Trisha survived the tryout for now. Good for her we can say. :hugs: :hugs:

Is Henry going to go page by page through his little black book for each nights conquest ? When he gets to the last one will Mira come home?

and i say it’s not a basing against henry, but a compliment for trisha. :sunglasses:

Absolutely a compliment for Trisha. Good for you sweet honey. :sweat_smile:

Think you may mean his phone as he is always seeming to hunt through it, think it’s his bestest friend :joy:


She looked a lot bigger earlier but seeing her in the bathroom now she is certainly very tidy indeed. :heart_eyes:

Trisha and Gerda still “missing”. Could be an interesting visit to Henry! :scream:

IMO Giana has taken pole position in the race to be the next name above Henry’s door.

Looks like that now yes. :hugs:

Thanks for the _____! Then Back to my husband. Whois the next on the list? :joy: :joy:

Well she couldn’t be bothered to stay all night then, perhaps she had more pressing appointments :rofl:
Ah well back to the phone search for any gullible ones. :joy:
Don’t think she even experienced the helicopter ride :joy: