Henry (Part 2)

looks like Mira is sorting things out to take away

does she read and check the contract?

Can’t be much left to take away by now surely :roll_eyes: :joy:

Mira seems to start beaming away… :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Das sind die ein zigsten die nicht den ganzen Tag auf dem Bett liegen und für Geld die Möuse in die Kamera halten?

Well you are half right.



Is Henry finally withdrawing from VHTV? :hushed:

Henry’s kingdom is down. No income.
It is easy, but it could be a problem not splitting between providers

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Everything was ok until Henry went off with his tools this morning

What reason have you to think that pal?
The only way Henry will leave is if he is dragged out :joy: :joy: :joy:

Others are offline as well, not just him.

but nobody with ISP problems…

Feet first. :wink:

Yes a couple of others were as well, one is still technical issues lol, all the rest are relocation.

Maybe he has gone to wire up Mira’s apartment. Then they will have two incomes, One for Henry and his women and one for Mira and her friends. The best of both worlds.

Vielleicht die neue von Mira :wink:

Eine sehr gute Idee. Getrennt und trotzdem vereint :wink: