When wearing them she only sees Henry with his halo
yes she mst think hes some kind of saint
any vids off whats been going on
Saint Henry has a kind of ring about, then again he loves rings
he sure does
It was focused on the person, could have been a photo of him in vacation in Arabia,… if I had one.
Yeah, riding a camel perhaps
5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Alida, Gerda
No, That’s a requirement to join our club
Then again, think about it. Is it really more exciting to ride a camel than riding a womans chocolate factory?
Poor guy he is worn out
Only if he couldn’t find a woman !!
Maybe Chyna
I think Henry needs rescuing from himself as the self-destruct button is definitely pushed and only Mira can help him, she needs to take him away again maybe book him into rehab but that falla is definitely not in a good place. Not that he deserves Mira’s help
Ich glaube Reha Kliniken gibt’s in Russland nicht für Alkoholkranke? Henry würde auch sowas nicht akzeptieren.
nope i think hes fine how he is hes a grown man he can live how he sees fit we are viewers not dictators we have no say what participants do
I very much agree with that statement. I am a satisfied viewer and user. Would not have it any other way. Then I am also very happy not to be on camera myself. Actually.
exactly we pay to watch my friend not interfear if henry is happy on the project leave him alone if he wants to leave im sure he will when he is ready
Every one of the participants including Henry or any other participant for that matter are free to either do what ever they want or they are free to leave when ever they want. I as a viewer or we as viewers can not interfer in that process no matter how much we want it. That is the actual reality.