Henry (Part 2)

Im Koffer waren nur ihre Kosmetiksachen!

Mira war mit keinem Mann verschwunden.

dayshift finished and over,

wonder where the night shift is.


3 years ago ?

Fill ‘er up! Wonder how many trips it will take and if it will again? Not sure this time. She look quite determined

It looks like Henry is packing bits and wires into a suitcase at Gerda. A new apartment will appear soon?

Ok das kann sein das weis ich nicht mehr.

Der Typ auf dem Foto, das ich vor ein paar Tagen gepostet habe. Der rote PlĂźsch erschien mit der RĂźckkehr von Mira

Gerda seems to be unpacking a load of cams there.

No doubt we shall all know in time :roll_eyes:
Maybe Mira’s getting her own apartment :joy:

last cigarette I smoking together… It’s true I will leaving You forever… :notes: :notes:

Mira looking Gorgeous !!


Or else for Gerda? Not sure that one would be a good idea

As you can see Mira starts cry I hope it’s the problems with Henry not any health problem


I see Mira has snuck back in here at sometime, just can’t be bothered to look back and find out when, it’s all becoming a b___dy comedy show now with all the swapping roles all the time.
Can’t be doing with it. :crazy_face:

Do you mean it wasn’t a comedy show before or what ? :laughing:

Well seems to be getting worse now, getting more like a b___dy farce now :laughing:
Should fix a revolving door on the apartment would make it so much easier.
Make it a smoked glass door then they could pass each other without seeing each other :laughing:

It is always a basic comedy show with those two involved. The question is always to what degree the whole thing can be considered less of a comedy show. But it is always a comedy show. That is just how it is. All the time. :hugs: :roll_eyes: :hugs: :slight_smile: :wink:

I tried everything I could not to turn to implicit or explicit ugly words. Then that was the best I could do. I am a little sorry for it. :hugs: :slight_smile:

None of us speak Russian and this comedy must be judged by facts and gestures drawn from images with all the misunderstandings that this may cause. Understanding what they are saying to each other would go a long way to having a clear idea about their relationship and the supposed current crisis.

I for example don`t get a word of what they are saying except the all obvious. :hugs: :slight_smile: