Henry (Part 2)

Think it may be more the money side as well :joy:
When Mira leaves later, AGAIN, don’t be surprised if Gerda or Julia get a recall or any other compliant female of the species as needs must be fulfilled :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Experience not really neccessary as full tuition can be supplied free of charge plus refreshments :rofl:

So sex, money, business and pleasure is what ultimately unites them then. Or something like that. :heart_eyes: :hugs:

I am afraid those days with regular swingers and orgies are pretty much over. I am sorry for it though. :slight_smile:

Ich beobachte Henry nicht genau, aber ĂŒberall wo er auftaucht steht eine Wodkaflasche in der NĂ€he.

I hope he will not _____ too much of that vodka in the end. Then the Viagra might not work, or the problems get even worse. :hugs:

Ich hoffe auch fĂŒr ihn, allerdings scheinen in seiner Umgebung viele diesem Gift und anderen Substanzen nicht abgeneigt zu sein.

VoilĂ  l’exemple de la situation en country name. Lui il boit sans modĂ©ration, il est violent. Elle, elle se fait frapper, elle part, elle revient, le sexe l’appelle, elle baise, il boit , il l’a frappe de nouveau, elle part et elle revient encore et encore. Lui boit et boit encore sans modĂ©ration. Bref, que du nĂ©gatif. Quand je vois ça je comprends mieux pourquoi la country name va Ă  sa perte. Dommage, c’est un beau pays avec tellement de bonnes, de grands Ă©crivains, de grands musiciens, de grands danseurs, de superbes paysages, une vraie gastronomie et bien d’autres atouts, gaz, pĂ©trole, minerais, diamant, etc. La country name devrait ĂȘtre l’un des pays les plus riches au monde. Mais les russes ne font rien pour sortir de leurs situations.

well Mira is becoming more like the invisible woman now days , Now you see her , Now you dont

Exciting to see from now on and forward what will happen. If she will stay more permanently or end up coming and going randomly now and then. :heart_eyes: :hugs:

Du beschreibst das sehr gut, finde ich. Nennt man so etwas nicht Stockholm Syndrom, wo Frauen sich von StraftĂ€tern oder gewalttĂ€tige MĂ€nner angezogen fĂŒhlen?

Dieses Land war ein wunderschönes Land, bis die korrupten Kommunisten kamen.

An excellent post Lee.
It is sad that the idiots they have as leaders always seem to think that the whole world is always against them and want to attack this country, in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Why they are not able to live in peace with the rest of the world is very sad whilst their people have to suffer and many innocent others on both sides get k__led.

It’s in their genes. I remember seeing in Russia a terribly beautiful woman like Mira with her husband in a restaurant. He was completely _____ and that didn’t seem to be a problem for her. They stayed till the end

It may have been a coincidence but , as soon as Mira went out of the door , Henry was sending a text.

Maybe living each in their apartment reminds them of the first weeks of their meeting

They want to make a fresh start

Arranging the next visitor no doubt :laughing:

Henry geht wieder auf Nachtschicht!

I’ve missed out on the last hour or so
I see Gerda is back
has Mira left again??