Henry (Part 2)

Come on Virgil, for a couple supposed to be, in your words, having a tough breakup doesn’t seem to stop them half living and s___ping together, being very kissy kissy and fucking each other every opportunity they get.
Rather a funny way to break up don’t you think?

not my words they was vhtv words . personally i think the whole b___dy palava is one big fuk up

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Whatever I am out of this discussion. I said my 5 cents…

It appears that their job is to be full time “performers”. You could probably get a similar gig if you don’t mind people watching you cook, eat, clean house, have sex with your spouse (and/or others), shower, using the toilet, etc.

Dont forget elimimnate old age securtity and old age pensions, Dental care, pharmacare all services that cost government money.

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The resident rather cute miniature ‘lion’!


Mira and Henry
I wish to continue your life happily and with love… You are a beautiful couple, and I do not want anything to disturb the peace between you :hearts: :hearts:


Looks like it is going to be all in for only cosy comfort at realm 48 tonight. Well, I guess we just have to take what comes, I suppose. :slight_smile: :hugs:

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I like the fact that Snoopy seems to have returned to the show. Believe it or not. I have missed that dog. :slight_smile:


I think that I must have been living in a parallel universe for the past couple of weeks ?? :confounded:

Is reality returning, or is this another halucination?

I must have a word with my doctor about my medication - it seems to have some odd side effects :woozy_face:

Just a point in passing… H & M were so close whilst round at Trisha’s tonight, I doubt that you could have got a cigarette paper between them all evening.

Is this a case of “I’m your girlfriend/wife, and don’t you dare touch another woman without my permission” or a case of “Look, I really can keep my trousers on, (when I have to)?”

More of a case of living in LaLa Land I think :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Which one ?

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Go on fella go for it :laughing:

The ‘bogey’ or the ‘boogey’?

Oops… spoke too soon… he’s going for the “boogey”


Wow, it went up from 2 cents !. It must be inflation

Well well well, marriage guidance must have gone well looks as though Mira is now moving back in :laughing:

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Henry back in the hairdressing role so looks as though sanity has been restored :laughing: but for how long is the question, still enjoy it while it lasts.
All that’s needed now is some new rings :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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There is one up side. Marriage counseling does seem to work. That is positive. :heart_eyes:

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