Henry (Part 2)

Do you think these two are going to pass any casting with the level they have? They are both soporific.

I think that looks are not important. What counts is the views during the period that they are left alone in an apartm.

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They are only there for a few hours, and if I saw it right Veska has a string.

Give em some time…please. :grin:

The negative part, Henri tried to kiss her and Veska always turned her face away.Henri hates to be rejected and the only one who managed to reject him was Trisha. But he has touched her recently…

Another Henry ain’t it who likes to show off his manhood but that’s where the similarity ends so far :laughing:
Almost nodding off here :laughing:

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Most of the cam views in the living room are b___dy crap here.
Must say that Alida’s cam views are marvelous really, always have been.
Always better in a smaller room, this living room is just too big to get any decent views.

I have a dog called Syndrome, :sunglasses:

Won’t ask why :laughing:

I hate it when he jumps on people and I have to tell him to get,

The b___dy bedroom cam views aint great either or the lighting. :roll_eyes:



Henry has been on a student diet (Pot Noodles and A_____l) for days now. It won’t k__l him!
Might even get him a degree from a British university? :rofl:

I may be wrong but, doesn’t the names on the Realm indicates the financial distribution of incomes?

It’s difficult to say what the situation is…why would one of the participants take a break and not leave the other one “in situ”?

Hi friends,
A little confusion took place here. We’ve created a misunderstanding, Gerda’s name should have been at Alida’s place. Sorry for making it even more tangled :smiling_face:


:laughing: Good to know VH know what they are doing eh :roll_eyes: :laughing:
Just keep taking the pills and you lot will be ok :laughing:
Good morning to you Kaya :hugs:

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Good Morning Hearts GIF


I think you just like keeping us on our toes and seeing who is paying attention. :rofl:

“A mind is a terrible thing to lose” :crazy_face: