Henry (Part 2)

Dude she is gone and won’t return. Just stop it. Why the hell would she be in interested what Henry does with Gerda?

Because she is a nympho and she needs a lot of partners

I wouldn’t mind a small wager that says they are together somewhere.

Marica still has got her own apartment. Anyone can watch that if they want to do so. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Now wouldn’t that be something to see? I can’t see if it’s Henry’s set up bag he took with him.

I understand your comment but then the question is why does she keep “cumming” back for more?

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Veska and Styopa are gonna stay for some housesitting at Henry’s, and Gerda at Alida’s (just for couple of days)

marica gone ? and wont return? gone where? return where? stop talking in b___dy riddles , this topic as got confusing enough without you messing it up more!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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@jabbath1987 …Yes @Ryan1977 can be like THRUSH (irratating c@#t )at times and its easy to get annoyed at him but in this instance i dont see anything wrong in his comment , a bit misguided yes granted but he was trying to make a point that henry as a way of driving young women away who get to close . not that i agree ,but no need to get so uppity at him !! just saying especially considering your supposed to help the forum flow ???

Thank you young lady, may i say your customer relations are impeccable :hugs:
Yes, in the end i did assume that Veska and Shylock, sorry meant Styopa lol, were probably house sitting, quite possibly in preparation for having their own apartment :roll_eyes:
Not that i would expect you to confirm that at all :wink:

I had to laugh here because that is the name of one of the cats from Nina & Kira :joy:

Return to Henry…

And Henry ist travelling after Mira fort vacation ?? :joy::grin::rofl:

ha ! makes sense now , :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

think henry as gone to clear his head and have a break from the cameras hopefully he will leave the ______ alone ,havent seen him eat a proper meal for god knows how long ,cant be doing his livers any good

:laughing: Got no idea what most of the wild life are called to be honest.apart from Snoopy which i only remember as so many keep mentioning it :laughing:

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It’s a common diminutive for Stepan, russian form of Stephan. And yep, people often name cats with it too. There is a quite popular Ukrainian cat Stepan with 1.3m followers :scream_cat:


Most of the others only live on pizza and lettuce leaves etc :laughing:
Some of them do cook proper food though even though most of those never look all that appetising.

They will be naming someone soon Rover no doubt :laughing:

well the most ive seen henry eat is b___dy sunflower seeds ,even when the pizza got delivererd the other night henry didnt touch a slice , just kept topping his glass up , he even looks like hes lost wieght which isnt a good sign .

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