Henry (Part 2)

Had to get their fixes as it’s been so long, a few days perhaps :rofl:

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Finally we agree on something


A few days separation for to nymphomaniacs is like forever :rofl::rofl::rofl:

He’s found your secret fountain of youth :rofl::rofl:

As Dick Emery would say. “You are awful but i like you” :laughing:

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Ahhhhh the substitute wife has retuned at last

you hate henry and we all understood that however I think you also have a heart to say such things without complaining all the time…you seem to like to break henry’s balls…


Personally I think they all need some kind of psychiatric help…The makeshift wife, the actual Wife and Henry himself…especially Henry himself. To say he needs a feelings implant, for his fellow Man, would be an understatement. That: “me, myself and I”, is going to come back and bite him in the butt and he is going to end up a lonely old man, living in a rundown bedsit somewhere, if he is lucky, if he does not sort his life out. He is fast approaching 40 and coming to the point of no return. He REALLY needs to wake up and smell the coffee and so does his actual Wife and his makeshift Wife. Whatever happened to self-esteem? It seems to have deserted most of the Girls/Women on this Site and I am sure I cannot be the only one with these thoughts and opinions.

Hate is a very strong word and no, i don’t hate Henry at all.
I don’t like his attitude towards women and how he treats them but that’s a different thing entirely. But I do think he is an absolute asshole with his lack of respect for women.

You most certainly are not and could not have put it better myself.:+1:

Against this eternal boredom on this channel …

Today, mysteriously, from time to time, people disappear here

Don’t think most of them know what they are doing half the time or why apart from wasting a life away. :laughing:

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No one is perfect. If everyone was perfect, they would be somewhere else and we wouldn’t be dealing with these people’s problems. What we see here, in this small society the same thing happening out there, maybe it’s better here because there are rules to follow
I think it’s a seminar for all of us, apart from sex, we learn about other people’s relationships that we can see ourselves in some of them and maybe… we also get thoughts about our own problems of any kind. Because I assume we all more or less have ours.
PS If it anything there doesn’t have any interesting, no one cares

I know why they always disappear in pairs, go check if the bathroom faucets without cameras are closed properly.


Is Henry callous enough to fuck Gerda as often as possible for a month and then dump her for a newer model??

Wouldn’t surprise me…

How many pairs of tits does Henry need around him. I felt a little sorry for him yesterday all alone. Mira tried to be there for him. But it is obvious he has found a new interest. (How many tits can I get all to my self at the same time) Henry you are off the planet. You will get what you deserve. When these girls have had enough of you - you will be alone. Mira wont be there to support you. Even Snoopy wont hump your leg.