Henry (Part 2)

You gotta wonder if they keep getting back together because -
A- They’re infatuated with each other
B- It’s an act for the drama
C- They like the money from VH too much and don’t dare split completely. (B and C could be related)

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just wish she would get her own place and keep away from him

wont happen as mira needs someone with her who knows how to deal with her affliction , and henry is best suited for that whilst she is seen on this project

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now lets see how long it is before there in the bedroom catching up??

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shes not the only person in the world who has fits and they all manage . she must have managed before she met him . you never know it might be this situation that makes them worse

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I agree with you 99%. Also, the people don’t know another work. ( I think) :thinking:

theres still love there ,so hopefully they have a full reconciliation


Surprise, surprise… Mira visits a lonely man

what a dumb comment she visiting her husband who she still as feelings for , its as simple as that


I :100: agree on that always and forever!

But but but the forum told me Mira was done with Henry :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: for a man who is supposedly the devil incarnate mira always wants him back makes you think is he really that bad :+1:

No she visits her husband what a stupid comment

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better beware! there will be those that believe that tender moment is orchestrated to get views , those = muppets

Welcome back Mira glad to see you and Henry sorting things out contrary to what certain forum members think

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larmes de crocodile

Oh God .i take it you have never loved and lost before ???the guy knows hes been a dik , just hard for him to admit ,hes not as mature as Mira and still thinks with his knob , he just needs to realise what he could loose ,and this seperation could be the wake up call he needed

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I’d bet money on that

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delete black and white GIF

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