Seen him before, but do not instantly remember his name. Which is not a surprise in itself, I would say.
Jutta has become a maid, and no longer fucks Henry
doreen now has a wide choice. either individually or all three together
it was the same with shelby the other day, he wanted to fuck her right at shelby’s, shana kept saying no, then to shana and then it went round. you commented yourself that it took him half an hour.
So, who gets to sleep in the wet spot?
Yo creo que Henry,la tiene castigada pues dirá está folla con todos y está en el reino de Mira gratis,ganando dinero y en cambio conmigo no quiere follar y me rechaza,pues se va a joder que no le voy a arreglar el apartamento para que no pueda emitir follando con otros chicos ,hasta que yo,no lo halla conseguido estará desconectada
To get rich, I would open an apartment with Doreen & Shelby
Doreen is a great find for Henry!
She is a “normal” woman, smiling and simple. It’s a change from the 20-year-old girls who dance in strip clubs…
Henry controls her completely, that promises us more great evenings.
Henry…Thanks for getting Shelby’s realm up and back online!!!:
Hmmmm…Here without Shelby…are they working on getting into their own realm? Wonder what the “tax” is?
own apartment tax =
Yep…it’s going in.