Henry, Mira (Part 4)

still think they need to try and contact him . or perhaps they already have and thats the reason for the cut , prob thought something was wrong and when he answered them they continued with the livestream

There were multiple cameras that dropped out in multiple realms at the same time as here. The loggia is also cut!

vhtv panicked thought they had an emergency on there hands started pulling plugs and got in a muddle :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


funny thing was, where henry’s cams were almost all down, they were also down at shelby at the same time, but then it got even weirder, henry’s whole cam worked again, at the same time shelby’s cam worked too… as if they were in a wifi network, which would not work at all from the distance

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It seems a bit strange now that he’s lying on his back and showering! :face_with_monocle: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Could also be the place was simply offline at that time if all the cameras did not work. I thought the problem only was the bathroom camera. I did not check other cameras

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awhh poor henry was faking it to get some much needed attention , guess the kiddies left him with blue balls last night :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Looks only semi-conscious to me. Shall we do a ticket?

As I said it was “all over the place” for a while. I thougt first it was at my end!

Henry is most likely been playing with the white stuff again and he is horny as hell and playing with his bum toy. :weary:


henry came home with two other youngsters, all of them were tight, one was still sleeping in the parlour, the other one threw up in the washbasin while ■■■■■■■■ water, he also ran away, in the meantime henry didn’t go for a 5 minute walk with the dog.

He is trying to come down off stuff and I cannot see any signs of distress at the moment and just keep an eye on him but he seems okay.

he will have given himself the edge because he apparently wasn’t allowed to play in the gang of 4 after all, although he had certainly raised his hopes.

I think so now, Seems like he goes in and out. He is up!

jesus guys i was only trying to inject a bit of drama into a somewhat boring day , had just took my meds so i was on hyper boost :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

the king is alive long live the king :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:


Well someone from VHTV just called him and he said he was fine: “I’m not dead, everything is fine.” :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Did you listen to the conversation? As he said he went to the bathhouse last night, but my Russian isn’t as good as yours and can you confirm it?

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no, i didn’t listen. because he was just slurring his words when he came home and the other two were arguing about something

He did not run away. Henry followed him out! :unamused:

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It was at this point just after he took the phone call as he was speaking to someone which sounded like a VHTV.