Sorry @Bandaids hes got a
We shall agree to disagree.
We can agree to disagree. When it comes to a point that one can’t make a joke all is lost.
awhh come on , you should know my post was meant as a wind up ,a joke ,
i was just pullin ya pud
Understood. Just that at times as I’m sure you know it doesn’t translate that way on line at times. All’s good
And my own nose literally lashes out automatically.
Is that Henry’s new toy? Doreen is probably cancelled?
Poor guy. He got a lick and a sniff, then he got to go to his room.
She was the same the other night with the guest guy.may be she doesn’t like dick
This girl is smart or repulsed or both.

Every night she has slept on the left-hand side of the bed allowing Henry to sneak in beside her on the first night and tonight she blocked him.

apparently henry doesn’t have it as easy with her as with evelyn or doreen. by playing a bit with her tits in shana’s flat, but that’s it too
Deja vu? Seems to be the same scene ever day.
yes your right didnt notice will do the right thing now
and just like magic there gone
It wasn’t personal my friend It was more of a comment that is about as much as you will see
lol i never taken anything personal nor do i take things serious , your all ferkin ghost sat behind a screen tippity tappin , the day i take anything personal or serious from a entity that i cant see or know will be the day im laid stretched out in a wooden box
Well, I hope that isn’t for a long time soon and I hope you feel better soon and out of your sick bed.
Why on earth is she asking Henry for her passport? Strange

Update: No underhandedness going on here as I listened to the conversation again and she asked him to put it in his bag when then went out last night.