Forget mister no fun. He is more to sleep any second now!
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Forget mister no fun. He is more to sleep any second now!
It’s good to see Shana having fun and smiling again.
I am under the impression that henry is not gonna get anything tonight!
From what I’ve seen on the videos here on the forum can we say she could probably be a good porn shoot director? That or a Dominatrix?
The pretty blond is gone? And come the fat one. Great change henry. Watch out your collesterol after this.
Just to sleep, nothing else. Henry call her and didnt care.
I like her. Hope to see her around more hopefully with some potential guys she can party with.
Lots of clothes on these ladies tonight!
Clearly nothing is gonna happen. Henry is almost completely ■■■■■…and the others are not in the mood.
I agree, the dynamic has changed. Not saying nothing will ever happen again, just not like in the beginning when you pretty well know something would definitely happen. And I’m not just talking about Henry being all hands.
When little bitch left, I was wondering if Henry is gonna chase the new guest, or Shana who I guess Henry thinks, he could have any time.
Now with Carolyn around, I guess it’s just a word of Henry and he’ll get what he needs, but it’s “just routine” since he had them both in the past, when the other girl as a “first-timer” has that irresistable smell of a bate to Henry the hunter.
It would be ideal to see Henry and Shana after a long time, I think it’s been close to a year or more since they last had sex!
I think it’s more than one year under cam, when I recall upon a question in the forum why Shana would stick to Henry, she wrote, that she is long good friends with Henry and thus they do what people in an open relation do to friends. (rem.: not the same words but the sense).
There are false entries in archive, when Henry and Koen were supposed to have fun with Shana, but it’s Wendy, a.s.o. I recall an occasion in dec 2022, when Henry and Shana fucked after a ladie’s night @ Shana.
and the threesome Shana Henry Mira 29 dec 2022
Yes, only here there was an error in the archive when typing. Because it wasn’t Shana, it was Wendy, but it wasn’t so easy to tell Shana from Wendy. Only to me, both are beautiful
It was also this one, I was thinking off.
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