Henry, Mira (Part 4)

he’s a bad type to be around - feel sorry for her. Sure she is only for use and disposel as many others.

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Nevertheless, he fucked her bloody and she was in pain. you could see that and she said it a few times.

Every girl here knows what is happening here and what is expected of them. You don’t have to feel sorry for them. And you can see that most of them like it all. Evelyn was here earlier this week and she is not coming back for nothing.


I know she need the money

She doesn’t do it for free, it’s her choice. She probably thinks it’s better to spread her legs at home, where it’s warm, than to stick out her bare ass on the street to random customers.


:+1: also safer


AT LONG LAST !!! The pennys dropped , members are begining to understand the concept of vhtv and the participants roles , still a few drama queens to convert ,then this will be a cracking forum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


she’s definitely picked the wrong guy. you know how henry treats women. she’ll realise that, but it’s too late for her.

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If you don’t like what you see then stop paying Henry and Evelyn to do it by watching it you are quite literally paying them it’s a bit Ironic that you would pay them and then complain about what you see


Nice one! I fell for it ‘hook, line and sinker’ as we say :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


at least your honest , others are to ashamed to admit they got duped :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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If you understood even a little bit of the Russian language, you wouldn’t write such nonsense.

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Bradley, kan jij ons dan wat meer vertellen over de conversaties?

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there is a reason why there are no members who can really translate and those that can rarely do so for a reason . all though its not illegal , it can easily fall into privacy disclosure which is an offence that can get your account banned , thats the legal side of things , personally i think its hogwash ,but as a member even i have to agree to VHTV rules ,and thats saying something :wink: :wink:


The most correct comment written about the women who came to Henry’s apartments…

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oh come on @Chad234344 seriously whats with the negativity for with the :-1: icons all the time surely your not bitter that i turned you down for a date , its just your not my type , i dont go for the weak feeble type ,that hide in the shadows come talk to me and i might even let you cum on my feet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
ps :
:arrow_down: tnx for the :man_facepalming: at least it shows you have diversity in that you know how to use 2 emojis now , keep it up and soon you will be able to type a word then a sentence and eventually a comment and then you can be a real forum member :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Monday Night Raw Lol GIF by WWE


There are spoken language translators on the market. You have to put them in front of your speaker box and then you can apparently pick up the conversations in your own language. I still want that one. A kind of google translate but then spoken.

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you would need an expensive setup to filter background noise etc , but thats not the issue , what is the issue is repeating what they say in the forum , you would need to make sure you edit any conversation so as not to fall foul of the rules , but speaking from experience on these type of sites over the years , once you know what there saying the mystery disappears and it becomes less enjoyable to watch , but if you really want to know hat there saying then spend a few thousand dollars on a setup that translates , but i assure you you will not find it money well spent

No, I don’t have that much money for it. Temu, a Chinese site, apparently sells a lot of cheap initiatives. I’ll have to pay attention to that. I’m very happy with VHTV. I’ve been a regular subscriber for 7 years. The images have become increasingly sharper in those years. That’s already a good development. Almost everything is HD now.