well said sir . many people are thinking the same thing
the same reason why 95% of us are here , because we are fucking
and damn fucking proud of it , the other 5 % are creeps , not difficult to see what catogory you fall into
You too have a good day pal.
Because there was an incident between the guest girl with Doreen in my photo and her boyfriend which turned rather rough. The scene hasn’t been recorded in the Archive unfortunately. Hopefully Doreen will give us another opportunity!
Why the scene is not recorded is because the use of excessive force in that context is not allowed. Then it can not be saved because of that. At least that is what I do believe is the reason.
There were no problems with the sex scene - wasn’t it just that afterwards things got heated between the guest girl and her boyfriend ( as they were leaving ).
Probably. I have not seen it enough to make a judgement, so I feel that the best thing for me is to keep my own silence about it.
It took less than 10 minutes for Shana to transport herself from her own home to Henry. So they probably live pretty close to each other.
ho non SHANA pas ici elle va devoir ecarter les cuisses ?
Only views
and so soon after
It’s Fight Night grab a brew and some popcorn
jeezus “H” christ you guys are proper drama queens ,
Just sit back shut up and enjoy the show and if you want popcorn ask @Florencio231104
Honestly I think they will have there own apartment before too long she’s a little fire cracker and certain to generate a lot of views
let the festivities begin