Henry, Mira (Part 4)

Let’s say the “secret room” that Henry always claimed didn’t exist, and that there was sex and other activities there, to use it for so long with impunity, I think only a few participants/managers could have done that.

The “picture evidence war” was very exciting at the time and both sides defended their position for a long time. :slight_smile:

I can’t say anything about other penalties, as I don’t have the background information.

Well what can’t be seen on camera can’t be punished…


And I wouldn’t surprised if Henry doesn’t get any fines…

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water under the bridge as they say , the teflon don strikes again


And it will always be water under the bridge when it comes to him…as he can do no wrong.


well, if they don’t do anything, then they had a free pass and then they shouldn’t penalise other areas for something like that.

contrary to belief , Henry is one of the main money makers for VHTV , although you would think he is disliked by more than he is lked if you go of the forum imput , but the forum members dont equate to more than 1% of the total number of paying members on the main site that never visit the forum , thats why as long as the cash cow keeps producing then he will be protected


The issue is that he has vio_ lated one rule of another over the years, seen on cam and pretty well nothing was done. In some cases other realms were shut down and participants never to be seen again. And I think the reason is he brings a lot of money into VHTV. Money talks.

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There were very strange cases indeed. But we don’t know if it got reported and how it was dealt with. The punishment is the fine, not the offline time.


Well enough of that for today, before we we get spanked and told to move on by…well you know, Shhhhh (@jabbath1987)


Well you are basically still on topic.

oh my god !!! the jabba as found is heart again . he actually sounded sincere then :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But…there have been offline times for some realms over the years.

But, oh well I’m moving on.

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Somewhat :thinking: :wink: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Just an FYI, I’m not all about Henry bashing. It’s just that he can get away with things other realms can’t. And as former Regimental Sergeant Major it just grates my nerves when I see things like this.

it also depends in which country the VHTV is registered. in germany, for example, he would have been kicked off the platform with immediate effect and would never have been on it again. on the contrary, he would have had to be careful that the police didn’t storm his flat to secure evidence, etc.

tut tut tut as a RSM you really should know better than to spell sergeant the way you have :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl:
just fukin with ya buddy :crazy_face:

Let’s put it this way, over 80% of flats are in countries with similar laws. All these flats are not in the EU. I think you can say that much.


Happens when you’re old as shit and fat finger on the keyboard lol

I stand corrected and it will be corrected :face_with_monocle: :wink: :laughing:


ex RSM myself in the Royal regiment of Fusiliers 3rd battalion 1968-1977 , so couldnt let you get away with it lol

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