I’m sure I’m not supposed to call this out because I’m sure it’s sanctioned by @VHTV_CEO , but how is this realm allowed to openly have a hidden room that has no cameras? I’m sorry, I know the reason. Henry brings in far too much money to VHTV for the bosses to insist this isn’t allowed. It’s even shown on the realm map! Is management really ok with enf_____g the rule with “normal” realms but not for your cash cow? We all already know the answer, but at least be honest with those of us paying your salaries. Pic attached to prove that isn’t the bathroom the 3 of them came out of. Just be honest and fair with all realms. Either allow hidden rooms for everyone or no one. And let your clients know what the truth is. Thank you for your time, even though I’m sure mine was wasted as there is no way I’ll ever get a reply on this even though I’m attaching a picture for proof. Just be honest and fair with everyone. Is that too much to ask?
I get your frustration but is this “rule” written anywhere?
I don’t know if it is or not. I’ve just understood it to be enf___ed for some and not others. I could be wrong about all of it. I just want a straight answer no matter what the rule is. Haven’t found one yet. Maybe I’ll get an official answer, but I won’t hold my breath.
One of the rooms is the toilet. Many apartments do not have a cam in there. The other one without a cam is the wardrobe.
Strange that no one has yet complained about the “hidden” rooms at Ariela & Sebastian…
or at Marica & Shinobu
or at Silver & Bradley
or at Jakar & Lilka
There are more apartments with “hidden” rooms, but oddly enough, people only seem to care about Henry & Mira…
There are storage rooms. No need for cameras there
Realms 37, 39, and 15 are toilet rooms. Realm11 a small storage room.
Having two rooms without cams like it is the case in Realm18 is indeed unique.
Conspiracy theory …
No big deal
Thank you very much for the explanation. I appreciate it.
Oh don’t you worry your sweet little behind. Viewers have definitely complained before about those realms having hidden rooms.