Help identifying ex-tenants!


I needed help and realising this is not the best way to do this - but I couldnt find another way to put my post.

There used to be a couple of VHTV quite a while back with a fairly big and heavy guy and the girl was much younger, had a bit of asian looks and wore specs. They indulged frequeently in 3somes. Does anyone remember the name of the couple? Havent seen them on for a while but would love to go see their archive videos

You are right, this is not the place, but:

go to archives and look for “threesomes” and go back in the timeline.

If they did it often, you’ll run into them.

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Betty and Rick

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From the description, it seems to me to be Mia and Ragnar


Betty was a sweetheart! :heart_eyes:

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Jennifer y aston

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I loved betty and rick, they were one of my favorite couples

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