Helena & Christopher, Demi & Ashton

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Sorry to say that, but I think it’s a time to end this comedy, really :laughing:


I don’t like how they almost always hoard themselves in the bedroom. People in real homes don’t live like that. I get it they want to maximize their profit under the pay cams.


I rather meant they constantly pretend to feel comfortable to be nude with the presence of others, but it’s evidently not true; they’re embarrassed, and we can see it lol



They are both very nice couples, but I liked them better separately. The living together thing has not worked for them. Atleast I don’t think so, but I don’t like couple swapping and shows even when it does work.

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Girls are pretty, but all of them boring beyond description…


The glassy-guy (Im sorry, but Im a newbee, so I still not good with names, and as I saw, they change it very often) and his girlfriend sometimes have good fun together, but the other couple is totally boring. Maybe this night? :thinking:

Guy with glasses is Ashton. Demi his girlfriend.


Thanks for the help!^.^ :hugs:

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Sure. Feel free to ask anytime


I agree. Demi & Ashton are a pretty good and interesting couple. They are very cute looking too.

i actually think the other way around demi and ashton to me are boring as hell while helena and christopher at least have sex occasionally and provide some entertainment with their arguing.

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As I said, I love both couples, they are really cute people, but I liked them better when they lived separately. Atleast Demi & Ashton used to have alot more guests then, and they didn’t do these awkward shows where they’re naked infront of each others.

yes i agree they are good looking couples and i like watching them they all get on well but the problem is is that anything sexual these couples do feels f___ed especially between demi and ashton which is strange.


Yesterday’s naked time involving Ashton and Christopher was really nice. I just wish they would do it more often. Of course I realise there would be no ‘naughty’ interaction between the 2 guys (both completely straight it seems - which is fair enough) but it would good to see them minus any clothing, rather more frequently.

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Begins to get bored the guest to always avoid the angles and to cover the body for the video cameras, for example in the bath, if it is to live in this house, you have to be prepared for it, otherwise you are not residing in this house , it is not pleasant to watch, are already several times, it will always be like this

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Does anyone know who the cute guy that appears every so often is? Looks like a younger brother of Ashton. So far he’s been pretty shy except for a split second glance at his cock in the mirror. Would love to see more of him

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it is great I love that apartaments I want see _____ videos in VHTV if you know some lets know it I appreciate it

This guest does not bring any value to this apartment, it does nothing, and continues to flee to the angles of video cameras, today was a little more comfortable in the bath, but it was just a little, I already told Message to manage, the guests who are not comfortable the front of the video cameras, it should only be allowed to stay a few days in the house, then they went out

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