
They are trying, bless ‘em, but I do sit here and wonder if they (and the general public for that matter), know what Halloween is actually about. “Montana and Co”, have a sign up…“Happy Halloween”…?.. Oookies, I know that it is to mark the eve of the Christian Feast of All Hallows’ Day, but primarily it was all started to celebrate, the burning of Witches, Warlocks and all evil. It mattered not if you were a Witch or not, innocent or not, they found an excuse to burn, drown, to hang draw and quarter them. I am sure if you said to a Witch accused of Witchcraft, especially if she was innocent and not a Witch at all:: “Happy Halloween”, she would spit in your eye…or worse :0)

Halloween to me is I always thought it was about Souling and celebrating the dead

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I guess it is, although I doubt if the dead would like to celebrate the fact that they are dead lol

Halloween traditions originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain.

I have probably worded that wrong, people tend to have parties after funerals so I guess it’s same kind of thing

That is a good point :0)

True…I was just wondering if putting the word “Happy” up, was the correct terminology, given what else it stood for :0)

Is it just me, or is the pic of the yucky Ring Master (maybe Burke, or Hare?), giving the cat one, kind of icky lol