
good sex in that place

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Yeah Lisa was pretty active there :joy: :heart_eyes:

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great times back then :stuck_out_tongue:

I never understood why she always puts a tone of make up on that naturally very beautiful face? :thinking: :thinking:


Totally agree. Would be way better without it

you sound more and more like a grumpy old man :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: :hugs: :innocent:

argue grumpy old men GIF by Laff

majority of the girls do the same thing they just feel more confident with make up on even though most of the time it makes them look worse.

Possibly, but in her case is very obvious that is taking value instead of adding. She is using to much i suppose

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Tell us more about how they are fed d__gs and f___ed to have sex with people for their manager and position on the team.

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I’ll say this, you peoples interest in the pets is pretty fucking disturbing. Yeah, they can be cute, but damn, it’s like an obsession with some of you guys.

They are or I say might be fucking each other as a couple but I guess it will depend on the s___ping arrangements

That will be interesting. The sofa in kitchen can’t be converted. But maybe the sofa chair on loggia. Not sure. Otherwise it is the bathtub for the guests or they have to get an airmattress or sofa like Henry has.

Well done congratulations to the prodouction they did something right.

According to the cam names this is the living room :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :see_no_evil:

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Well if they end up kissing on each other and fucking then that would make them a couple right lol??

If Ken is the manager of this apartment, chances are anytime sex happens, the plug gets pulled. :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I see a new apartment and click on it only to see the two colossal wastes of space Ken and Connor moping around. Not a good omen for this place…

Kleiner als das Bad und die Loggia… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: