
Wonder if Carlos will be happy? :joy: :joy:


Completely incomprehensible rubbish!

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Goldie è già al lavoro :slight_smile:


cant see how they are going to have parties there with the dining table taking up the whole living room and the size of the apartment

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I would say Connor is in line for a place soon!

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Haha! Jabbath you’re so funny sitting there all tied up in Kojak’s ropes.

Dancing on the table? :joy: :joy:

Can’t read, got it!

many are in waiting list….:sweat_smile: Alana, Maija, Wynona….:heart_eyes:

Can send them to me when the list gets too long :rofl: :rofl:

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They only need the room for d__gs then the parties will be floating in their heads

what the hell the kitchen is the living room :joy:

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I can already smell controversies from this apartment….:sweat_smile: definitely we will see more hot debates and arguments……:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Still not the smallest place ever. :stuck_out_tongue:

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c’est une tiny house!

But I wonder where guests will s___p? Bathtub? Loggia? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I rem James’s place was pretty small. And here recently A&A before relocating

Smallest place ever and I do not think you can go any smaller…

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A&A place was a palace compared to this

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c’est un studio!